
Mango Habanero Wingstop Copycat Recipe: This is How You Make a Fingerlicking Chicken Wings!

Written by Chef Anderson · 1 min read >
Mango Habanero Wingstop Copycat Recipe

Planning to find out how to make chicken wings mango habanero Wingstop? Well, you have come to the right place. In this article, you will learn how to make this meal to be enjoyed while you are throwing a party or as simple as enjoying a Friday night.

The ingredients to make this mango habanero Wingstop are as follows.


  • 30 sections chicken wing
  • 1 can mango nectar
  • 0.25 cup brown sugar
  • 1 cup cornstarch
  • 1 stick butter
  • 1 tbsp hot sriracha sauce
  • 1 tbsp rice vinegar
  • 2 cups frying oil
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 2 tbsp soy sauce
  • 3 cloves garlic, make it minced
  • 6 stemmed habanero peppers

Cooking Instructions:

Listed below is how to make the mango habanero Wingstop chicken wings:

  1. First, clean the chicken wings and pat it to dry with some paper towels. Then, put the wings on a baking sheet.
  2. You may also opt to refrigerate it to make it a bit more dried.
  3. Now, prepare your food processor to combine mango nectar, habanero peppers, brown sugar, sriracha sauce, soy sauce, and vinegar.
  4. Process the sauce ingredients to make a puree out of those ingredients. Be careful of the fumes of the pepper. It can be too strong for you.
  5. On a saucepan, melt the butter over medium heat. Then, cook minced garlic until it goes fragrant (around 30 secs to one minute).
  6. After that, add the mixture of mango habanero into the saucepan to cook with the minced garlic. Have it simmer, while stirring it frequently.
  7. Reduce the heat (until medium-low). Then, add honey. Again, stir and have it to simmer at least until it thickens into a glaze. Don’t worry, it may take up to 45 mins to one hour. Once it’s done, remove from heat.
  8. Preheat your oven with the temperature of 95ºC (200ºF).
  9. Then, heat your oil to 350ºF (175ºC). Make sure to use a deep fryer to heat your oil.
  10. While waiting for your oil to get heated up, coat the chicken wings with cornstarch that you have prepared lightly. Then, fry them in the hot oil. Make sure to fry them until it turns golden brown and crispy—each for 8 minutes approximately.
  11. Take it from the oil, drain the excess oil. While waiting for the chicken to get all fried up, you can take the ones that had been fried inside a preheated oven.
  12. Place the chicken wings inside a big bowl and pour half of the sauce. Mix it well until all parts of the chicken has been coated. Then, coat the chicken wings with the remaining sauce.

So that is how to make this mango habanero chicken wings from Wingstop. Surely, you’ll enjoy the moment after you make your mango habanero Wingstop!

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