
Easiest Boxed Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Written by Chef Anderson · 1 min read >
Easiest Boxed Scalloped Potatoes Recipe

Boxed scalloped potatoes are the best and fastest way to make delicious scalloped potatoes with special additions or extras. Ensure that you choose the best mix by using a real dehydrated sliced potatoes in your recipe. For the holiday dinner during the winter season, nothing can beat these scalloped potatoes. They are great food, and anyone loves them as well. This recipe will change the directions of making this instant food by adding heavy cream instead of milk. This small change can make a world of difference as well. No wonder that many people also look for boxed scalloped potatoes ideas.


  • 4 tablespoons of butter
  • 4 cups of boiled water
  • 2 packages of scalloped potato mix
  • ¼ cup of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 cup of heavy cream


  1. First, you can gather all ingredients
  2. Preheat your oven based on the package directions in your boxed scalloped potatoes
  3. In the 3-quart casserole, you can mix the dehydrated potatoes with the amount of butter and sauce based on the box directions
  4. You can pour the boiled water based on the package directions. Ensure that you use the right amount – you make two packages of potatoes
  5. Then, you can add heavy cream to the potatoes and stir nicely
  6. This is the right time to bake your potatoes based on instructions. 10 minutes before the potatoes have done, then you need to take out the casserole from the oven, and spread potatoes with Parmesan cheese
  7. You can return the casserole to the oven, and bake until potatoes are soft when you pinch with the fork, and the surface gets golden enough. The sauce must be bubbling as well.
  8. You can cool it down around 5 minutes, and serve it.

Simple ways to make better boxed scalloped potatoes

We all know that creamy, filling, and rich flavor that make scalloped potatoes are one of the best comfort foods. There are several tricks to boost them from basic to brilliant extras. You can make it spicy by spice up basic scalloped potatoes with a can of chopped green chilies. Of course, you can add chilies between cheese, potatoes, and sauce for your zippy side dish. If you want to make your boxed scalloped potatoes get a thicker consistency, then you can use an instant potato instead as your best solution.

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